Algol Trehab offers customers a wide selection of assistive devices from leading manufacturers. We import, sell and market assistive devices and maintain them all over Finland. We also provide training for healthcare professionals, for example in the correct way to move patients and how to provide optimal ergonomics.
We provide our customers with high-quality service based on our genuine interest in and understanding of their needs and requirements. We closely follow industry developments and continuously seek the highest quality and most innovative solutions.
The products we represent are selected from the best on the market, and we take long-term responsibility for their functionality well into the future. We help our customers select the most suitable products, and we service them with expertise and experience.
We serve customers in both the public and private sectors. In addition, we deliver complete projects. We work together with hospitals, health centres, rehabilitation clinics and other treatment facilities. We also aim to support and maintain the work ability of care professionals by finding functional and sustainable solutions.
We also providing training for our customers and partners to help them select and use the best assistive devices.
We offer manufacturers of assistive devices with a ready sales channel in Finland and years of experience in the Finnish market and healthcare system.
The company was founded in 1983 and has been part of the Algol Group since 2006. Our head office is situated in Espoo.
Code of conduct

Algol Trehab is a member of Sailab – MedTech Finland, and is committed to the Code of Conduct of the medical technology field. The principles of the Code of Conduct are: trust, independence, openness, moderateness and documentation.
Sailab – MedTech Finland ry is an association for the medical technology in Finland. The association is a part of MedTech Europe, the European trade association for the medical technology industry.
Algol Group
The Algol Group has been active in international trade since 1894. Find out more about the Algol Group.